I recently edited my own video for the first time - it was a lot of fun actually and not as hard as I thought it would be. I think I just want to make videos all the time now. I used a program called Movie Maker which is pretty simple but I will try a more advanced program later on so that I can make even better videos!
The hardest part is probably getting people to be in the video itself; when people see me coming around with my camera, they usually want to run away from me :(. Some people just don't want to be on camera and that's fair; I'm learning which members of the dealership like to participate in my video shenanigans and which ones just want me to keep my camera as far away from them as possible (lol). It's okay guys, I won't take it personally. So anyways, we recently put together a thank you video for our customers and we even have a few people from our diverse team saying "thank you" in a different language (awesome!).
Thanks to a great team effort, it was a success! :)